
Oil Painting 101 – 4 weeks

Oil Painting 101 – 4 weeks

Join Brittany Paynter in this beginner friendly 4 week Oil Painting class.
Wednesdays, 6 – 8pm
1/10/24 – 1/31/24
Structured for the absolute beginner, Brittany will cover the materials used in oil painting, as well as techniques and tricks. Everyone will paint individually, to build their unique skill and style, with guidance and tips. This class takes away all the scary unknowns of oil painting and breaks the process down step by step to build familiarity with the medium.
Materials needed for class:
3 canvases- (2) 8″x10″, (1) 11″x14″
Assorted set of brushes *specific recommendation will be provided via email
Windsor & Newton oil paints (Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow Medium Hue, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Deep Hue, Phthalo Blue, French Ultramarine, Viridian Hue, Burnt Sienna, and Burnt Umber)
*If you’d prefer to purchase your materials through Brittany, an additional fee of $60 is due to her on Day 1 of class.
Class size limited to 6 people.

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