Please join us to celebrate the eve of Valentine’s Day, surrounded by art at Artisans’ Corner Gallery, as poet David Adams returns with Evidence of Love: a poetry reading and conversation exploring that eternal, vexing, yet inescapable subject. Thursday February 13, 2025. 6:30‐8:30 PM.
Sun and Moon with Wounded Swan Here, your wounded voice floats hours past the telephone, caught like a dream in the interstices of wind and light, a wish whose slow accumulation we can see. So listen, that tender habit something so like love, like hopefulness, and search the sky above the brooms of swaying reeds and find the sun and moon— a blazing hand, a faded coin— balanced in the vacant blue. It means something, as if standing in some larger soul’s geometry, the lone swan drifting, its torn wing slumped an inch or two, unable to conceal the dark brown slash of injury. Still, tilted as a broken bob, it dips to eat to eat the grasses while in a line across its tail two others struggle in a slow ascent, their wing beats like a bellows. Will you listen with me to the morning as it paddles near, a blade of grass dangling from its beak, its eyes like anthracite? —from Room for Darkness, Room for Light. 2008. Blue Shale Books.
David Adams is a poet living in Burton, Ohio. For many years he was a wandering laborer, academic and technical writer, returning home to Ohio in 2011. Hope as a Construction, published by Bottom Dog Press in 2023,is his11th collection of poems. His prose memoir, Casual Labor, was published by Blue Shale Books in 2021. He is also the author of COPE: A Technical Writing Guide forEngineers, 4th Ed. 2021. University of New Haven. David collaborated with the composer Dawn Sonntag to complete in 2023, Clara: A Life and Death in Shadow, an opera in three acts about the life of Clara Haber. He is currently at work on Fosse Ardeatine, a dramatic text for music based on the 1944 S.S. reprisal massacre of 335 Partisans and Jews in Rome. Please join us. Tour the Gallery, meet old friends andmake new ones. Monica’s excellent refreshments will be served.