Bret Hines
Assemblage Artist
In the world of broken and discarded things, Bret Hines, an accomplished sculptor in his files, takes the phrase “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” entirely to heart. Using items such as frames from forgotten doors, rusted locks, and the legs of chairs, Bret creates intricate collages that represent the passage of time and how objects experience this decay. He does not shy away from faded paint, or crushed wood-grains are exposed, aged metal brought to light. He also incorporates images of places and people into his work, such as in his piece “Faces,” which involves the severed legs of chairs with the faces of historical figures frozen in varnish and nailed to a modern board.
Bret has said that his art heavily influenced by the contrasting elements of the city and rural farmland. Demonstrated by the redwood of barn door panels as well as the pristine locks of an apartment building in Cleveland. Many elements are very personal to the artist himself because of his experiences as a child and adult. Choosing to see the beauty in unloved things, Bret Hines transforms ordinary objects into captivating art, with a few modifications.
Artisans Corner Gallery Bret Hines Springfield Spindles
Artisans Corner Gallery Bret Hines Red Tree House
Artisans Corner Gallery Bret Hines Pleasent Hill Tree House-sold
Artisans Corner Gallery Bret Hines Lebanon Porch
Artisans Corner Gallery Bret Hines Four Square
Artisans Corner Gallery Bret Hines Faces
Artisans Corner Gallery Bret Hines 2
Artisans Corner Gallery Bret Hines 3
Artisans Corner Gallery Bret Hines Assemblage 1
Artisans Corner Gallery Bret Hines Belleview
Artisans Corner Gallery Bret Hines Burton Church
Artisans Corner Gallery Bret Hines Collinwood Convent
Artisans Corner Gallery Bret Hines Old West End
Visit Our Gallery
11110-6 Kinsman Rd.
Newbury, OH 44065
Tuesday – Saturday 10 AM – 4 PM